Law Costs Draftsmen

How can law-cost draftsmen benefit from a strong digital communications strategy?

Law-cost draftsmen may not have the most glamorous job in the legal sector, but they do have an important one, which means it is crucial to have a good communications strategy.

The role of a law-cost draftsman may not be the first thing a client thinks about when they bring a case, but if your firm is providing this service you will be keen to have a strong digital communications strategy in place.

What do clients need to know?

The first thing a legal client needs to know is just what the role of a law-cost draftsman is and why it matters. This is where a good digital communications strategy becomes very important, especially when providing information to those who may not be familiar with legal procedures or the costs involved in a court case.

This is where something like a law marketing blog and using SEO for law firms can make a big difference in both providing information and explaining to potential clients what your practice can offer them to help resolve their costs favourably.

Social media can also make a major impact, not least because its interactive nature means prospective clients can ask questions and you can answer them.

All this is important in helping prospective clients become aware of your services and help steer them through the consideration stage until they become your customers.

How can you use digital communications to help existing clients?

Once you have clients on board, it is very important to have a clear strategy for staying in touch with them, whether through social media, email, mobile or anything else.

  • Therefore, it helps to have some very clear arrangements in place, both in terms of how you aim to maintain communication, as well as what pledges you make to your clients in this regard.
  • The best approach is to set some key performance indicators (KPIs), which ensure you are bound by commitments to provide regular updates and respond swiftly to communications such as emails.

Maintaining excellent communication can provide lots of good PR for law firms - not least the word-of-mouth of satisfied clients.

Why BeUniqueness can help

At BeUniqueness, we have extensive expertise in helping law firms develop digital strategies and recognise the importance of communicating well with both prospective and current clients. This means we can help law-cost draftsmen to improve their marketing return on investment and enhance customer service.