Stefan Johnson

UI Designer
Stefan did his graduate degree in computer sciences from MIT in 2015. For the next couple of years, he spent revamping every client’s website he was given access to. He joined BeUniqueness in 2018, and has been with us ever since!

When it comes to UI Design, Stefan is a wizard. He’s able to take people’s ideas and put them into a fully functional, and working website or store! His skills can bring anyone’s idea to life, in a way that allows the customers to experience that idea, yet, make it super easy for them to navigate through so the website is still able to retain customers, without looking boring!

Stefan started his journey at BeUniqueness by revamping our website and changing up the whole look! It immediately sent our click rate through the roof. That’s when we knew that he’d be the perfect person to handle UI for anyone, and we were right!

In his time at BeUniqueness, he’s been able to take websites and stores that just didn’t flow well, into those that just guide the users through his impeccable design skills. Visitors just breeze through the entire site or store! No matter what type of store it is! 

When he’s not spending time working, he’s spending it with animals! Stefan runs an animal rescue operation and has been working on it since he was 17! Not only a saviour of companies but animals too!

Favourite Quote

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." ― Anatole France