Justin Freeman

Marketing Communications Manager
Justin graduated from the Tepper school of business in 2011. He holds a master's degree in Business Administration and is currently employed as a marketing communications manager. He has worked with the top form of the country and is excellent in making communication Strategies for businesses. With his expert supervision, marketing campaigns are always a success, and he has comprehensive marketing skills.

Justin is responsible for developing goals and implementing marketing plans to make every marketing campaign successful at BeUniqueness. Furthermore, Justin is a valuable asset for our company because he has worked on multiple development programs to promote the services of our business. 

He has generated great results and increased the company's overall sales by up to 25% in a few years. He is also responsible for supervising and managing the new products and services launched by our company to meet the targeted goals of the industry. 

He is an excellent member of our team who knows the importance of adaptability to the new technology and the importance of teamwork to meet the goals in a united way. 

Justin focuses on networking and relationship building throughout his career and has gained a competitive advantage because of his skill set and leadership skills. Problem-solving and decision-making are his substantial aspects, along with social media marketing skills.

In his leisure time, Justin enjoys playing golf. Not just regular golf, he plays competitive! He believes that playing golf keeps him grounded and enables him to achieve his goals in life.

Favourite Quote

"Oftentimes in life, what is easy to do is not worth it. Sure, crashing on the couch and watching the newest episode of your favorite show is a pleasurable experience, but it is bad input and it will not help you advance much on the road to success." - Amar Hasic