5 Crucial Steps to Generate More E-Commerce Sales Using Email Marketing
By Lauren Skinner
19 Mar 2020
E-commerce email marketing is the most effective way to promote your business. It has been proven that more than 80% of all sales are generated through email marketing. People give up shopping when they lose their faith in an online store. E-commerce email marketing can also help you maintain a relationship with your customers as it acts as a platform for them to communicate with you. You will have more chances of selling more to your customers by offering the right products or services. Below are some essential email marketing steps to generate more sales.
The Prep & Execution
1. Build Your Email List
To start with, you should know your customers' email addresses. You can obtain them from various sources like their websites, social media accounts, or emails. The more email addresses you have, the more people will be able to buy your products and services.
2. Segment Your Email List
Segmenting is the process of dividing your list into certain groups so that you can send them relevant offers. For instance, you can have a group of people interested in health and beauty products, another group in food and beverages, another in travel and tourism products, and so on. You can send out more relevant offers to your customers by segmenting your email list. This will boost e-commerce sales tremendously.
3. Select the Right Analytics and Campaign Platforms
Analytics and campaign platforms are the two things that you should consider when planning your email marketing. Analytics is a tool that helps you track the number of opens, clicks, and unsubscribes of your email campaigns. They will also show you how targeted your campaigns are.
The Launch & Analysis Phase
4. Launch Emails
Once you have a good strategy in place, the next step is to launch your emails. There are several ways of sending out emails, but the most effective way is to send them via Aweber or MailChimp. They have excellent customer support, and they are very easy to use.
5. Assess Results to Enhance Marketing Strategy
It is important to measure the results of your email marketing campaigns. This will help you improve your marketing strategy and make changes accordingly. You can use different tools to track the performance of your campaigns, such as Google Analytics or Google Search Console. This will provide you with more e-commerce sales.
Email marketing is a great way to reach out to your customers. It is a cost-effective way of advertising, and you can use it to promote your business. Implement these e-commerce sales tips, and you will be able to reach out to more customers and build a better business.