Social Media for Law Firms
Why do law firms need a good social media strategy?
Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn provide a quick and cheap way to keep in touch with clients, keep an eye on competitors, and stay up to date with industry trends.
What they can also do is offer great tools for marketing, for providing enhanced customer service and also for managing your reputation. Indeed, the last of these has become more important with the advent of social media, as there are more outlets available for people to provide public feedback on a firm’s service - be it good or bad.
What law firms now understand
However, law firms were slow to pick up on the implications and potential of social media, until the Law Society issued social media guidance for lawyersin early 2012.
From that point, things changed rapidly. By June of that year, Legal Futures was reporting that Twitter was becoming the key referral source for lawyers, with a 663% increase in people asking for recommendations on the social network.
However, it is in the nature of these developments that some firms will have worked hard to embrace social media and the potential benefits it has to offer, while others may have done no more than the token effort of having one or two social media pages.
Law firms with a more enlightened approach will understand that they can utilise social media marketing in order to generate more leads, gain new clients online and boost sales. With the right help, they will be able to achieve this goal.
What does a good social media strategy involve?
A solid social media strategy will enable firms to maximise their presence on social media in a range of ways:
- By using multiple platforms so they can reach people in different ways, from short written posts on Twitter to YouTube videos
- By regularly interacting with potential and current clients on social media, which can offer better communication and a means of providing customer service
- Different social media platforms offer pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
Great communication is especially important, because if it helps you offer better service to existing clients, it will make them more likely to come back. Not only is it easier to get an existing customer to return than bring in a new one, but happy customers will themselves be advocates for your firm, both online and offline, so you get some extra marketing for free. Moreover, word-of-mouth recommendations are known to be the most effective marketing there is.
Before you start, however, it is important to identify a buyer persona at whom your marketing efforts will be aimed. This is an archetype of the kind of person you are seeking to market your services to. Their characteristics can fit into various categories:
- Demographics such as age, sex, race and nationality
- Profession / company type (especially for B2B clients)
- Above all, the nature of the need they have that you can help them meet
This can help shape decisions about the sort of social media you use or what your marketing strategy should be. For example, if you are focused on B2B work, LinkedIn should be one of the platforms you use.
How we can provide your law firm with a good social media marketing strategy?
As one of the leading digital agencies in Manchester, there are several things we can do through our social media management services to help you establish and maintain a solid social media marketing strategy.
This includes all the following:
- Keep up-to-date with your clients’ feedback on social media
- Setup social media accounts and have a solid presence on social media
- Capture new leads through social media
- Manage your social media pages
- Post comments/blogs, respond and reply to your clients’ enquiries
- Ongoing measurement and analysis of your social media accounts
What can BeUniqueness help?
At BeUniqueness, we have extensive knowledge and experience on managing social media marketing campaigns to help law firms develop their social media presence, gain more clients and maximise the potential of one of the best ways for you to connect with potential and existing customers.
To find out more, simply click here to fill in our enquiry form or book your appointment.