Building A Marketing Funnel For Your Personal Brand
By Jennifer Ace
05 Mar 2023
Marketing products or a business might seem easy, but it is more complicated than you can imagine. An effective marketing strategy would require you to send the right message to the right audience. Fortunately, the marketing funnel plays an important role in personal branding. Here is how to build a marketing funnel for your personal brand.

What Is A Marketing Funnel?
A marketing funnel is a tool represented by an inverted pyramid, offering guidance on creating a strong brand. The tool is focused on awareness, interest, desire, and action. It is divided into three sections: the top, middle, and bottom.
The most important aspect of creating a personal brand marketing funnel is the creation of products or services surrounding your target customers' needs. It should be enough reason for them to want what you are offering. Therefore, you need to make sure that there are clear steps so that they can easily find their way around your business.

Dissection of Marketing Funnel
Top Section
In this section, your prospects are in the process of realising they need a particular product. In turn, they start to research such products in the market to fulfil the need. Therefore, you should build a funnel that entails products your target clients likely need. This can be compared to the top of your marketing funnel.
Middle Section
At this level, the consumer already knows what they want and is comparing options in the market. Therefore, you must channel your potential customers more in-depth into what your business entails. Being on top of the competitive edge is key because it will make your personal brand tips stand out. Therefore, you should ensure that all the products and services you offer are relevant and helpful to the need of customers. It is important to know how they arrived at their decision. So, there should be a reason why they chose you from all other options in the market.
Bottom Section
Finally, it is the last step of the marketing funnel, also known as the conversion stage. People will do all they can to receive what they want at this level. This means that you must ensure that your products are well designed and appealing enough to capture a customer's attention. It narrows down to the consumers willing to make a deal.
You should create a marketing funnel because it offers consumers a direct path to the core, which they will see in the end. It is similar to getting a list of products you must use to satisfy your customers. Therefore, it reduces the time and cost needed in marketing.