Silje T. Andresen

eCommerce Project Manager
Silje got her bachelor’s degree in Business Management from the University of Pennsylvania. She started working with one of her college roommates on her startup, and once she got that off the ground, she joined BeUniqueness to replicate it over and over again.

When Silje first came on board BeUniqueness, she was fresh out of taking a project from its inception to a fully functional, running success. She wanted to take the success she was able to achieve and figure out if she would be able to do it again. At BeUniqueness, she was able to connect with clients from all over the world that needed help with their own eCommerce projects. She has been taking each project as a challenge, and made sure that it reaches all the levels of success it possibly can! 

So far, there hasn’t been a single project that she’s worked on that hasn’t gone exactly the way she wanted it to! She’s so good at her job that a lot of people even think that she’s a fortune teller. Because she always seems to know exactly what to do, and when to do it! 

When Silje isn’t working on changing people’s lives, one project at a time, she’s working on sculpting! This was an art form she inherited from her mother, who was a professional sculptor herself! After her passing, 10 years ago, Silje decided to start sculpting regularly as a way of feeling close to her. Little did she know that it would literally become the passion project that she’d keep coming back to all the time to centre herself. As she does, she ends up doing a lot better in her work life too - a win-win!

Favourite Quote

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk…. In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” —Mark Zuckerberg