Mikal Brown

Sales account manager
Mikal graduated from the University of NYC with a bachelor's degree in Business administration. He went on to work for some local companies in his hometown in Queens. He started working for BeUniqueness in 2018.

Mikal is responsible for managing the sales team. He helps them perform at their maximum potential so together, the entire team can get the highest possible revenue for the client. Despite having such a stressful job, Mikal remains positive and even motivates all the members of the sales team. Everyone around him has always praised him because of his amazing leadership skills that help the sales department reach their account goals every time.

Mikal also manages to meet the client's requirements and has established a great relationship with every single one! When he isn’t at the office, Mikal is usually travelling from one place to another. He’s always been an outdoorsy person and has already visited over 20 countries despite his busy schedule. For him, it’s not about having time for something, it’s always about making time to do what you love doing! Travelling helps Mikal think deeply about the bigger picture, whether that’s just in his personal life, or his work life. With that, he’s able to bring back some great new ideas for future projects!

Favourite Quote

"I had to make my own living and my own opportunity. But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them." -Madam C.J. Walker