Jackson Rodger

Sales Manager
As a sales manager, he is responsible for creating and motivating high-performing sales teams, managing them to search for leads, performing at their maximum potential to hit revenue forecasts, and overseeing BeUniqueness's sales department's success.

According to Jackson, he's always had the habit of bossing people around. Not because it would show dominance, but because he was actually good at it. People around him always envied him on how he efficiently handled group projects because of his leadership skills. 
He has always had the knack for getting things the way he wanted them. So he thought, why not pursue a career that fits his entire personality?


He has worked in many different companies from then onwards, and BeUniqueness is by far the best, as he states. He feels like he's a natural at what he's doing now. We at BeUniquenesss think that it has helped him and those he works with reach new levels of success every day.

Favourite Quote

“Choose a job you love, and you'll never have to work a day in your life” – Confucius.