Emma Liam
Key Digital Specialist
Until a few years ago, Emma didn't know a thing about marketing. At best, she was a tolerable writer for PR platforms.
She was the type of person who wanted to gain knowledge as quickly as possible and start work from a young age.
In her initial weeks on the job at BeUniqueness, she basically hovered over every campaign, doing the bare minimum to avoid tampering with her predecessor's campaigns and keep them functioning.
After working closely with DFYA and DFYE teams, she came to understand what skills she needed to improve to become a key digital specialist.
Once she realized her true potential, she focused on developing skills in client relations, collaboration, and storytelling. Now, everyone's saying they've been lucky to work with her ever since!
Favourite Quote
“You make a choice: continue living your life feeling muddled in this abyss of self-misunderstanding, or you find your identity independent of it. You draw your own box.” - Duchess Meghan