Davian Foster

Head of Customer’s Service Department
Davian has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from UCCS College of Business. After graduating in 2011, he started working in different firms, but it wasn’t until BiUniqueness, that he finally found his calling. He’s currently the head of the Customer’s Service Department.

Davian oversees all of the operations in the Customer service department. This is one of the most important departments in the entire business because this is where real customers can directly get in touch with the company so it’s important that this department is functioning at its very best levels! 

With Davian, BeUniqueness was able to harness potential customers and make sure the new customers became long term customers instead. The whole operation is running smoothly, because Davian is always there, keeping an eye on everything, watching like a hawk! 

Since dealing with customers every day can take a toll on anyone, Davian likes to do the exact opposite in his real life. He goes on weekend-long treks in the mountains, relaxing, helping him wind down before it all builds up again!

Favourite Quote

If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough. -Oprah Winfrey