Callisto Claims


Callisto claims is a non-profit organisation who allocate your case at NO COST to a member of their expert panel of solicitors that specialise in personal injury.



The desire of the firm is to

  1. Build brand awareness 
  2.  Reduce Cost Per Lead and Cost Per Click
  3. Generate sales qualified leads


BeUniqueness has provided a multi-faceted solution that included Branding Strategy, Google Ads ( setup multiple campaigns on, designed landing-age, created multiple ad groups, drafted AdCopies, AutoResponding personalised emails to every lead submits a form, added secrete codes to detect, block and analyse click fraud attacks, and more) & Video Marketing 

Our aim was to bring in more traffic to the site and provide a better user experience for site visitors, resulting in an increase in customer numbers and greater awareness about the firm. 

 Work Synopsis 

